IT contractor group, linkedIN groups,

Importance of connecting with peers

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At work we may have a good group of colleagues who we socialise with. But connecting for work is more than just mates to go have a beer.

We all need professional development as well. And some of this is skills – go learn something new. But a lot more comes from seeing different work situations and understanding how to navigate to get the outcome you want.

This is where connecting with your peers in other firms is important.

Professional Connections

It takes a long time to have worked at enough places to have a “network”. And so going to events where fellow IT contractors will be present is a great shortcut.

Resourcefully wants to nurture the ecosystem for IT contracting in order to improve what it’s like working as a contractor. We are firmly in support of the wide group of individuals who (like us) work as contractors. This isn’t to ignore or slight the employers or recruitment agencies with whom we also work – but we know we’re most comfortable when surrounded by our kind of people.

Two Groups For You To Join

If you don’t already know it, you should definitely join the LInkedIn group IT Contractor NZ.

Join LinkedIn Group IT Contractor NZ

It’s hosted by Colart Miles – a consummate Agile worker. We’ll tell you more about him another time [it’s a long story]!

The other group to join is the Meetup

This was started by Resourcefully and is the place we recommend to everyone. It’s a low key way to connect with others and learn from their experiences. Meetings are a mix of virtual and in person so they should suit your situation.

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