Being a contractor means you are always looking for the next gig after your current contract ends.
And this brings sensitivities. Do you want to publicise yourself being out of work? It makes me cringe quietly inside when I read LinkedIn profiles which say “available for work”. Somehow the lie that we are always fully employed is hard for me to overlook.
Set your available date
During September we launched a new feature – the available for work date. So when you use Resourcefully, we can keep your profile hidden from potential employers until YOU are ready.
I’m not available for work now.
Resourcefully allows you to set your available for work date. You can choose a date such as when your current contract ends (so you won’t be contacted until nearer that time); or you can set it to be your notice
period. Choose what suits your unique situation best.
I don’t want my current employer to know
Privacy and accurate filtering are key for a successful marketplace to work. Nobody wants their existing employer to know that they’re looking for work elsewhere. Resourcefully allows you to block named
organisations from viewing your profile. So, there’s nothing to lose and you may line up your next contract without having to go through the time and stress of looking. (Actually that’s our dream goal scenario –
the simplest way to get yourself a new contract).