sole trader or company

October IT Contractors Meetup

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1st online meetup group meeting

We held our first meetup group meeting on Wednesday 26th October with a fantastic turnout!

Pete Savage gave a short intro as to why the Meetup group was formed. In a very similar vein to Resourcefully being formed ie: to help contractors.

We had the fantastic Peter Taylor from BDS Chartered Accountants in Auckland to talk about some of the basics of accounting for contractors. Some good discussions of Limited Company versus Sole Trader and paying ACC amongst others. There were also some great Q&As at the end.

Company structure choices

Video of the event can be found here for those that couldn’t make it on the night.

What percentage of your self-employed income for ACC levy?

We’d love some other topics to be suggested so we can find a guest speaker to come along or for a discussion point amongst ourselves.

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