We keep a public discussion board of Resourcefully feature requests.
Industries and skill searches to include dropdown options
This was a hot topic of discussion when we looked at these fields.
Here’s what one Resourcefully contractor wrote
When a user clicks into either the ‘Add your skills’ or ‘Add your industries’ search fields, for a dropdown list of all the different skills and industries that are available; rather than them having to begin typing before anything is displayed. It would help prompt their memories.
Resourcefully User
Our Answer
There are approx 68,000 skills in the list so we thought typing would be a better option.
This also provides options if you type a word eg ‘management’ and it will show a number of ‘management’ roles. The reason the skills are pre-loaded was to ensure we had consistency and so we wouldn’t have the same skill spelled differently. Because then the searching organisations might not find the different spelling. Will keep an open mind on this but the above was the rationale for this current approach.
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